
DOCUMENTARY as well as educational film are supported by SSCECH. These will be part of RESEARCH and EDUCATION. Plans for a documentary with focus on the pilot project Debre Selam Mikael and issues related to this are discussed with two exeperienced documen-tary filmmakers. So is also an educational film intended to serv as tool at workshops planned to be done at the Ethiopian coutryside on pupose of instructing resposible persons on regional and local level in how to handle and take care of cultural heritage, i.e. buildings, pictorial art, fixtures and manuscripts.

The photographers are Mr. Joachim Demmer and Mr. Martin Rosefeldt, based in Berlin and partly working for the German-French broadcast chanel ARTE (Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne) considered to be the best broadcasting channel for culture in Europe. Learn more: ARTE and: Wikipedias presentation of this;

Becides of beeing part of Research and Education, i.e. scientific documentation of the architechture and pictorial adornment of the church of Debre Selam Mikael, which also will be a useful educational tool for higher education, the documentary will also be a way of making this wonderful culture and art of Ethiopia better known internationally. A spin-off of this kind of exposure of the still yet unknowed Cultural Heritage of Ethiopia to most people outside Etiopia, will in turn invite to responsible tourism to the country, i.e. this documentury will have a great impact on people interested in culture and religion, who will then visit the country, that in turn will bring income to Ethiopia – important in a country that still partly suffer greatly from poverty.

As mentioned education will be focused on training of apprentices on location as well as on higher education in care taking of buildings and in painting conservation. Becides this an important part of handling and care taking in general of cultural heritage rely on responsible persons for this on regional and local level, i.e. staff employed at regional institutions as SSCECH closest practical collaborator, The Agency for Culture and Tourism in the National Federal State of Tigrai (ACT), subdivisions to ARCCH, the national supervising authority of the cultural heritage, based at Ministry of Culture in Addis Ababa, as well as – and not least important – responsible priests, monks and laypersons at respective church on location. Learn more: ACT and ARCCH

In this context we have got a request from Professor Shiferaw Bekele (See photograph above), head of the Department of History at Addis Ababa University on a planned national educational programme on how to handle and take care of cultural heritage on location. This programme is planned to include written instructions (booklet) and a DVD-film to be used at work-shops. Mentioned film photographers would like to do such an educational film in collaboration with persons in SSCECH specialized in these issues. One of the expert in SSCECH in these issues of care taking, besides the restorers in SSCECH, is the building preservationist Petter Jansson. He has a long experience of communicating information of this kind. Becides beeing used in mentioned context this movie may also be a useful tool at the higher education in building- and painting conser-vation planned to take place at Mekele University. Learn more: 1st building preservationist Petter Jansson


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Links to presentations, still just in Swedish:

Debre Selam Mikael – ett kulturellt biståndsprojekt

Debre Selam Mikael – Presentation av förundersökning 2009

Debre Selam Mikael – målningar och byggnad




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